
Ruby’s Afghan

This post is not a cheery crochet project, but it’s something I want to share. It’s about my beloved poodle, Ruby, who passed away last week. If this is difficult for you to read about, please don’t feel guilty about skipping this post. 

If you set down a crochet afghan, it’s a scientific fact that a dog will appear there soon after. They flock to them like moths to a light. And once they lay down on the afghan, woe betide anyone who tries to disturb them. Take it from my family’s poodle, Ruby, who loved crochet afghans more than anything.

Case in point

I crocheted my first afghan when I was around 14. It’s made of granny squares from I Love This Yarn (my favorite yarn) in my favorite colors at the time. It’s much smaller than a traditional afghan because I ran out of patience…but that made it the perfect size for Ruby when she swiped it. I’m not sure how she accomplished it. One moment I had a brand-new afghan, the next moment it was Ruby’s afghan. But that was fine with me. She looked so content curled up on it.

Doing homework with me; her special afghan is the pink one

A few years later I made a mandala afghan with the thought that since Ruby had an afghan, this one would be for me. Wrong. The afghan turned out smaller than expected and I presented the poodle with a bright pink mandala blanket. It was added to her pile.


She ran to my side whenever I sat down on the couch with a crochet project. Her breeder was a knitter, so as a puppy she got used to laying next to people while they crafted. She was my crafting companion for many projects and even modeled some for me.

I thought a sweater might help keep her joints warm and less painful. The look on her face says what she thinks of this idea

When our new puppy Maisie came into our lives, I crocheted a new afghan for her. Because the first one was Ruby’s afghan. I couldn’t see her give that up.

Happy Claire surrounded by doggos: Ruby on gray afghan, Maisie on pink one (which is hers)
Pile of dogs and afghans. Ruby’s special one is on the far left.

Ruby suffered from arthritis for pretty much all her life. I think curling up with a warm, soft blanket felt good for her achy limbs. When she started losing mobility, she would spend all day napping on the couch. Sometimes I would snuggle with her. Other times she would curl up on an afghan. Still other times we would snuggle with an afghan, which was the coziest thing imaginable.

The plaid is my elbow. Ruby patiently humored me whenever I needed some cuddle time.

Last Tuesday she lay on her special blanket, in my arms, as she went to sleep forever. The hardest thing I’ve ever done is hug Ruby for the last time. When we laid her down on the blanket, she was relaxed instead of stiff with pain like she was for the last six years. The vet said she was ready to go. I know she was. But I could never be ready to say goodbye. She was the best dog I could ever have the privilege of loving.

She LOVED giving kisses.

I’ve written pages and pages about her. Taken so many pictures. Crafted things inspired by her. Maybe you’ll see some of it here. I want to share the joy she brought into my life. She’s not in pain anymore, and I’m glad, because she deserves to run and play again. I just miss her. But I’ll never forget her.

The blanket has returned to me. I wish it were still hers.

In memory of Ruby
13 years 10 months
October 3, 2004 – August 9, 2018

Ruby’s afghan

(14) Comments

  1. I’m so sorry for you loss. It’s never easy saying goodbye to our furry family members. It sounds like Ruby was a wonderful companion and that she had a great life!

    1. Claire says:

      Thank you so much, Katy. It isn’t easy saying goodbye, but she really was a wonderful companion! <3

  2. Andrea R Huelsenbeck says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. Our Rudi passed away this past April. How our babies love their soft blankies.

    1. Claire says:

      Thank you, Andrea, and I’m so sorry for the loss of your Rudi. They really do love their blankets! <3

  3. My deepest condolences for your loss. Take all the time you need to recover, and I hope the pain eases soon. 🙂

    1. Claire says:

      Thank you so much for the support, filliefanatic. <3

      1. No problem, Claire. 😘

  4. My sincere condolences for the loss of your fur baby. We lost our last two within a couple of weeks apart last month. Still feel sad and tear up from time to time. So, when I read this, know I understand the loss. Thoughts and prayers headed your way. XX

    1. Claire says:

      Thank you so much, Ruthie. My sincere condolences for your sweet dogs. It really is rough losing a friend – dogs are really special creatures! I appreciate the prayers, I’ll keep you in mine too. <3

      1. Thank you, mine were two cats, I should have mentioned it 🙂 Thank you for your prayers XX

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss, losing a furbaby is never easy, no matter what their age.

    1. Claire says:

      Thank you Kate, you’re right that it’s never easy…furbabies are the best kind of friend. <3

  6. Susan B says:

    Hi, I’m new to the blog (followed an old bookmark about yarn bombing). I’m so sorry about Ruby. We’ve been through this several times and it never gets any easier, but I wouldn’t be without dogs in my life for love or money. I’m glad you have Maisie there to hug if you need one.
    On an aside, I’m really enjoying ‘By The Sea’ and am awaiting the next chapter!

    1. Claire says:

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Susan. I couldn’t agree more that dogs are absolutely worth it…they’re the best companions. <3 Thank you for your kind words about Ruby, I'm really grateful to have Maisie around for the hugs.

      And thank you for your kind words about 'By the Sea,' that made my day! It's on hold for the moment due to another book I'm writing, but I will definitely finish it in the future. (My current project is also about the ocean, I just can't stop writing about it.) 🙂

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