
College Crafting

I remember the good ole days when I posted here all the time. Then I started college. Now my hobbies are pretty much watching Netflix and sleeping. I just finished my first week of fall classes and thought I would share a college-related craft project.

I’ve been doing more paper-crafting than crochet lately; my thumb is giving me some problems so I’m resting it for a while, and I’ve been having a sticker obsession these past few months. I got bored having plain dividers in my binder so I dressed it up a bit.


I decorated pieces of scrapbook paper and then stole borrowed my mom’s laminator to laminate it. This one has postcards from Canoe Island French Camp, where I went as a camper and also worked at a few summers ago. The feathers are from Harriet, my chicken, and were collected after she molted them. This one is currently housing my notes for Gender & Sexualities, which is a class I’ve been excited for for months.


This one is for my French class stuff, if you didn’t guess already. I’ve been taking French since sixth grade (about age 11 for my non-American friends), so it’s been a regular part of my life for quite awhile now! I’m taking a French film class this term with my favorite professor ever, so I’m excited about that. Although the French definitely have different standards when it comes to content, haha.


I’m using this one for my writing class. The tarot card is from Collage, a really cool craft store with lots of random things – buttons, cards, charms, stuff like that. Or tchotchke, to pull out my $100 word of the day. I don’t do tarot but I really liked how it looks, plus the message seems to fit for a school binder.


I learned while making this one that if you laminate bus tickets, they turn interesting colors. Thermal paper or something. Although this was a surprise, I still like how it turned out. I take the bus all over the place, so I’ve gotten pretty fond of it. The stickers are also from Collage and they’re my favorite thing ever…it’s Alice in Wonderland!

It makes a nice change having something new to look at. I especially like having Harriet feathers with me. In a future post I can show you my bullet journal/notebook if you’re interested – I use it for taking notes and it has a fair share of doodles and stickers within. I might be a little obsessed with school supplies. 🙂

Thank you for reading! Do you like school supplies? What’s your favorite thing to get for back-to-school shopping?

(5) Comments

  1. Very nice! I don’t do a lot of collages because I really don’t like the feel of glue stick on my fingers, so I admire you for doing so many! I like that you used your chicken’s feathers in the first one, it’s very creative and adds the personal touch. I love the illusion of productivity that comes with new stationary, as well as putting things like pens or pencils in rainbow order – oh, it’s so satisfying! 😀

    1. Claire says:

      Well this is a terribly late reply. My apologies! Thank you for commenting! <3

      I can completely understand not liking the feeling of glue stick…I'm the same way about clay and craft foam! I collected about a bazillion feathers from my chicken's molt and now I have absolutely no idea what to do with them. I could probably make a feather pillow. 😛 And you're spot on with the "illusion of productivity," haha. It really is satisfying – I love school supplies!

  2. Collages for a college binder? What a nice idea. They are really cute, Claire!
    I like how the bus tickets turned out when you laminated them, it’s like a hidden surprise. Harriet’s feathers add a nice touch to the camp-themed page, and the tarot card on the writing class page is very apt.
    And, I’ll vote for showing us your bullet pages too. I’d like to see them!

    1. Claire says:

      So nice to hear from you, River, thanks for commenting! I’m sorry about the terribly late reply. <3

      I like the pun you've pointed out with collages for college. 🙂 Thanks for the kind words, these were really fun to make! I'm not much of an artist when it comes to drawing, so this kind of thing is much more up my alley. Thanks for the vote for the bullet pages, I think I will. They're so satisfying. 🙂

      1. You’re welcome, Claire! 🙂
        Hey, drawing isn’t the only way to express your creativity. Whatever you find fun is best~
        Looking forward to seeing your bullet pages! 🙂

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