Amigurumi Crochet Uncategorized

The one with the amigurumi mountain

Can you tell from the title format that I’ve been watching way too much FRIENDS?

This is a super silly crochet project I finished a few months ago. The story behind it is that, after living in a flat state for most of my life, my family moved to a state that contains a lot of mountains. I absolutely love seeing mountains every day (except for when it’s foggy and the mountain is feeling shy), and I’ve grown really attached to “our” mountain, as I’ve come to think of it. And when I really like something, of course I have to crochet it.

Here’s the mountain in question (Mount Hood).


And here’s the amigurumi version.


It makes me giggle, and I like being able to hug a mountain! I used the adorable pattern by Petits Pixels, which was well-written and worth the purchase. It’s not completely done (the pattern includes a rubber-duck floatie that I think Mount Hood would love to wear), but I’m quite satisfied with it so far. It’s not really an accurate interpretation of Mount Hood, which is very pointy, but oh well. (I really hope there are no eruptions in the near future that will make this shape a reality.)

I’d never actually been to Mount Hood, just seen it from a distance, until my family went on a trip to Timberline Lodge. That’s where I got the close-up picture in this post. It’s absolutely stunning, and I was squealing for the majority of the trip. Also, the movie The Shining was filmed at Timberline Lodge, so I couldn’t pass up the chance to do some fangirling:


I just wish I had crocheted the mountain before the trip, for a good photo-shoot opportunity!

Do you guys have a favorite landmark in your state or country? It’s funny how attached you get to your surroundings after a while. I hope you’re all having a lovely Thursday!

P.S. Three chapters of my book By the Sea are up on Wattpad now – please check it out if you get a chance! You’ll have my eternal gratitude.

P.P.S. What do you think of the new theme I’m testing out?


(2) Comments

  1. Oh my goodness, that is the cutest mountain! Mount Hood reminds me of Robin Hood, so perhaps you could crochet a little Robin Hood hat to put on the rubber duckie? If the mountain has that sort of personality, of course. There’s a mountain on the edge of the city where I live that has a really nice lookout, I’d love to take Sarah up there sometime. 😀

    1. Claire says:

      Ahh that’s the cutest idea, the thought of a Robin Mount Hood pleases me greatly. I’m definitely adding that to my crafting list, what a great idea! I think it has exactly that kind of personality, hehe. I bet Sarah would love a photo shoot, if she’s up to the task of mountain-climbing! Thanks for your lovely comment, filliefanatic! 🙂

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