
Peaceful Earth Mandala Cardigan

Hello my lovely blogging friends!

I know it’s been awhile since I last posted, but I’ve been quite busy. I finished my summer Mythology and Folklore class, finished writing Unraveled (which is now called Magical Thinking and is drastically different from the draft you guys read), and started a new blog and Instagram. I’ve been wanting to start book blogging for a year or so, and I finally did! I’m on Instagram as @the.bookish.orca, and my book blog is The Bookish Orca. I’m having a bunch of fun writing book reviews, so if you want to come visit, I’d love the company. ^_^ No pressure to follow, but I thought you guys might like to know where I’ve been lately. Surprising though it is, crochet is not my only passion…I’ve always been a big reader. 🙂

I saw this beautiful mandala cardigan from Morale Fiber and fell in love with it. It’s a FREE pattern, amazingly, and the designer did a gorgeous variation with cardigan sleeves. And since it’s made with Lion Brand Shawl in a Ball, there are very few ends to weave in…the color changes are in the yarn itself. I was lucky enough to find some Shawl in a Ball at Michaels; I didn’t think Michaels sold it in stores. I loved the colorway Peaceful Earth. And I’m so happy with how the finished cardigan turned out. It actually fits!


Please forgive the awkward poses throughout the post. I’m terrible at modeling. 😛 My mom was very kind to take these pictures for me…I couldn’t get a picture by myself!


This sweater is quite comfortable, and I’m really picky about how clothes fit. I love how the yarn looks, these colors are so pretty together…and it’s aptly named, I think! I thought it would bother me having two different-colored sleeves, but I actually like it. And the shell edging is so much fun to fiddle with.


The blogger has a face! 🙂 This cardigan is sort of off-the-shoulder, as you can see, so I added some ties to hold it on. I’m also thinking a shawl pin might work nicely.


Maisie approves. ^_^

I honestly have a new favorite brand of yarn. First, it’s just so PRETTY… look at those lovely skeins! <3 I actually felt kind of bad unwinding them, because they’re just so pretty as is. Each skein has a different order of colors, as you can see. It’s not exactly cheap at 9.99 a skein, I think, but each skein has a LOT of yarn (hence the name Shawl in a Ball). It’s just so much fun to crochet with! I love seeing what color comes next, and the texture is super cool…some parts are skinnier and some are fluffy, like handspun yarn. I think it’s 100% acrylic, but it feels almost wooly, yet not itchy. I Love This Yarn will always be my favorite, but this comes next. Well worth the money. Plus, a sweater for $30 is not bad at all. 🙂


I love the edging. I felt like people were giving me weird looks when I took this picture outside my classroom, during a break. 🙂 Also, I like having rainbow nail polish. I pick my nails so having a picture where they look decent is quite rare. Anyone else? 🙂


Have I mentioned how much I love making mandalas? 🙂

This was such a fun pattern to make, and I’m so happy that Morale Fiber provides it for free! I’d love to make more of these in different colorways.

What have you lovely people been up to recently? Thank you, as always, for reading…and for all the lovely comments you’ve been leaving! Your friendship is much appreciated! 🙂

(10) Comments

  1. Very nice! I do love a good mandala, and this one is spectacular. I would agree with the name of the colour, it’s a very earthy-looking yarn. I haven’t been doing a lot of crochet recently, but I hope to change that soon. 😀

    1. Thank you, filliefanatic! 🙂 It is a very aptly named colorway for sure…and the name drew me in! I love making mandalas, they’re never boring. ^_^ Ooh, I’d love to see what you think up for future crochet!

  2. What a beautiful cardigan. Gorgeous. And the colours are perfect

    1. Thank you so much! I’m absolutely in love with these colors. Lion Brand knows how to do it right! 🙂

  3. Beautiful cardigan, I love the colours in the yarn. 😊

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Craft! 😀 This yarn is so much fun to crochet with, I never know what color is going to pop up next!

  4. You did an awesome job and you look beautiful in it! That mythology class sounds awesome by the way 😀 Nice blog!

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Regina! It was a super fun pattern, thank you for sharing it with the crochet world! ^__^ It was a really interesting class, my professor really knew what she was talking about. Thanks for your kind words about my blog! 🙂

  5. Your cardigan came out gorgeous!!!! I must try out Shawl in a Ball…I’m just trying to choose which colorway…they’re all so pretty! Also, I love your nails! 🙂 Hehehe, I’ve always got a menagerie of colors from trying on different ones. 😉 Anyway, amazing job on your cardigan!! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Grace! Your comments always make me smile. 🙂 It was so hard to choose which color, I love the blueish ones as well, as well as the super colorful and bright ones. I really don’t think you can go wrong! 😀 Yay for colorful nails, hehe. Thanks for commenting! 🙂

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