
Pineapple Shawl

I made this shawl about a year ago, but I never posted about it (procrastination strikes again!) As it was a fairly sunny day, I took this opportunity to take some pictures, so I can finally share it with y’all!

The yarn was from an estate sale, I got a huge yarn haul from there. Actually, there were several other ladies that saw me buying all the yarn, and one of them found a skein and gave it to me, saying “Hey, yarn girl…” Yarn crafters are just so friendly. 🙂


The odd thing is, I hardly ever wear shawls, or scarves, or cowls, yet they’re my favorite things to crochet… maybe I’m better suited to making Barbie dresses, because there are always more Barbies to clothe!


I love the shadow the shawl casts, so I hung it up on the chicken run’s fence (which also casts a pretty shadow) and started taking pictures, but I was interrupted.


Why hello, Harriet. No, I don’t mind if you stand in the middle of my picture and pose. Yes, you’re a pretty pretty chicken. Now would you mind moving? …


I swear Harriet can tell when I’m trying to photograph something, because she ALWAYS comes and poses. She’s a camera hog. 🙂

My sister saw me struggling to take pictures, so she took pity on me and helped me out:


Admittedly, I think the shawl looks a lot better without me modeling it, but in general shawls are worn on people, so there we are.


In case you were wondering, here are the pattern and yarn details:

Pattern: Aphrodite Shawl (this pattern has a lot of different names, I went with the Pineapple Shawl for my purposes. I’ve linked to the Ravelry page so you can take your pick.)

Yarn: I used about 5 skeins of Lily Sugar and Cream Cotton in ‘Denim’. The finished shawl is nice and drapey and doesn’t need to be blocked (which is awesome, because I’ve never blocked anything!) I didn’t have enough yarn for the very last row, though, so I just left it off, and I still like it.

Hook: J (6.00 MM) as in the pattern


My favorite picture, taken by my sister (as much as I’d love to take credit here!) This is Pearl, looking adorable as always. And the next picture is by my sister as well (thank you! *waves*)


Now I’m curious: how many of you wear scarves or shawls or the like? I don’t like things tickling me so maybe that’s part of it. I would add a poll but WordPress appears to be angry at me. (It’s been angry at me a lot lately, I think – have you noticed I’ve started to replace my pictures?) You can still tell me your wonderful thoughts in the comments. 🙂

Now what should I crochet next? …

(4) Comments

  1. Wonderful shawl, Cogaroo! I love the denim color…so cute with jeans. Oh and I’m with you, I love the photo your sis took; however, the ones you took aren’t too shabby either!

    1. Thank you, Astri! I’ll pass that along to my sister…haha, thank you, I’m working on taking better pictures, but you’re very kind. 🙂

  2. Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeties. XD good job. and hte pictures (both yours and your sister’s) are much better than what I take. xD

    1. Thank you, dragonsashes, that’s really sweet! But I think your pictures are great. 🙂 It helps that I shamelessly borrow an iPhone for taking pictures…otherwise they turn out blurry…plus I went all-out for this photo shoot because it was a nice day. Thank you for commenting!

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