Barbie Outfits Crochet Crochet Patterns

Wonder Woman’s Blue Dress (DC Superhero Girls)

I went to see Wonder Woman with my dad for Father’s Day, and it was incredible! Or should I say wonderful? πŸ™‚Β All bad jokes aside, it surpassed all my expectations. No spoilers here, but I’ll just say it was fantastic to have a female-led superhero movie. It makes me beyond happy to know that little girls will grow up with not only Iron Man and Captain America, but also Wonder Woman.. I’m quite disappointed that Black Widow hasn’t gotten her own movie by now, so props to DC for giving Wonder Woman a chance in the spotlight!

I think Gal Gadot did a fantastic job as Diana, and I can’t believe she filmed part of the movie while five months pregnant. There were so many amazing fight scenes, which are normally my least favorite part, but I actually found myself getting emotional during them – it’s so refreshing to see women onscreen who can defend themselves and don’t need anyone to save them. I later read I was not the only person to cry through the fight scenes.


I suppose you guys know me well to guess where this is going, especially given the post title! I was delighted to see that Diana wears a variety of outfits throughout the movie, and in the theater I was trying to figure out how to adapt them to crochet. I designed this one for the DC Superhero Girls, which I learned about from my wonderful blogging friend Grace! She wrote a review on DC Superhero Girls Wonder Woman (which you should definitely check out!), and I ended up acquiring a Diana to bring along to the theater. πŸ™‚ The first outfit I made was her gorgeous blue dress – and because she’s Wonder Woman, there’s a sword hidden in the back. πŸ™‚

The most gorgeous dress, and Gal Gadot is ridiculously beautiful. Do a google image search for ‘wonder woman blue dress’ and you’ll see!


I’ll admit I knew virtually nothing about Wonder Woman before seeing this movie, but now I feel inspired to consume ALL the Wonder Woman movies and comics I can get my hands on. Any suggestions on where to start would be much appreciated!



Loops & Threads Woollike in “Denim Blue” (Super Fine, #1 weight)
E (3.5 MM) crochet hook


  • A note on the yarn: I don’t usually like to use super-fine yarns in my designs, for the simple reason that it takes too long. πŸ˜› But this yarn was the perfect color, it was in my stash, and it’s also super soft. For a yarn that’s called “woollike,” it doesn’t feel itchy at all. I heldΒ two strands togetherΒ for the entire pattern, with the exception of the flowy shoulder thing (like my specific terminology?) So if you preferred, you could use a slightly thicker yarn – I’m not sure exactly what weight it would be. Perhaps fingering weight?
  • Extended double crochet or ex-dc: Yarn over, insert hook into st, YO, pull through (3 loops on hook). YO, pull through 1. (YO, pull through 2 loops) 2x. I have a tutorial on extended stitches here if you’re new to them!

Bodice (make 2)

Bodice is worked in back loops only, except for the last hdc of the row, which is worked through both loops to prevent holes.

Ch 19.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd st from hk and in each st until you reach the last 5. Hdc 5.

Row 2: Ch 2, turn. Hdc 4, sc across until 5 sts remain, sl st 5 (loosely!)

Row 3: Ch 1, turn. Sc in each st until you reach the last 5. Hdc 5.

Row 4-5: Rep rows 2 and 3.

Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing.

Fold the bodice in half as shown and sew the two stitches under the armpit together. Do the same on the other side. Leave the back open (we need to stick a sword in there, after all!), but overlap the front by one row, and sew that closed.


Ch 85. (Yes, 85, trust me. I know it seems absurd.)

Row 1: Starting in 2nd ch from hk, sc 40, hdc 4, dc 1, extended dc until the end of the row. (WS)

Row 2 (RS): Ch 3, turn. Extended dc in each ex-dc, dc 1, Β hdc 4, sc in back loops of each sc.

Row 3: Ch 1, turn. Sc in back loops of each sc, hdc 4, dc 1, extended dc to end of row.

Row 4-11: Repeat Rows 2 and 3.

Row 12: Ch 3, turn. Extended dc in each ex-dc, dc 1, hdc 4, leave remaining 40 sc unworked.

Row 13: Ch 1, turn. Hdc 4, dc 1, extended dc to end of row.

Row 14-22: Repeat last two rows.

Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing. With the RS facing out, whipstitch the ends together, leaving the sc part hanging out.

You’ll have this weird-looking shape before sewing. With Fringe in the background, because that’s how I roll. πŸ™‚

Sash, part 2

This is for the second part of the sash – the first part is the sc portion of the skirt.

Ch 41. Work in back loops throughout, except the last sc of the row – this goes for sc2tog as well.

Row 1: Sc2tog in 2nd and 3rd ch from hk, sc in each st across.

Row 2: Ch 1, turn. Sk first st, sc in each st across.

Row 3: Ch 1, turn. Sc in each st across until 2 sts remain, sc2tog.

Row 4-11: Repeat Rows 2 and 3.

Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing. Sew the slanted end to the end of the ribbed skirt portion, then sew the other end of the sash to the bottom of the bodice.

Flowy Shoulder Thing

I just used one strand of yarn for this, instead of holding 2 together, to make it flowier. But if you’re using a thicker yarn and can’t manage this, no worries!

Make a magic ring, ch 3. 3 dc in ring.

Row 2-3: Ch 3, turn. 2 dc in first st, dc across.

Row 4-13: Ch 3, turn. Dc across.

Row 15: Rep row 2.

Row 16-19: Ch 3, turn. Dc across.

Row 20: Rep row 2.

Row 21: Ch 3, turn. Dc across.

Row 22: Ch 3, turn. Skip first 2 sts, sc in next. Ch 3, sk 1, sc. Ch 3, sk 1, sl st in last st. Fasten off, weave in ends.

Use beginning tail to sew to left shoulder.


Have any of y’all seen Wonder Woman? If so, what did you think? πŸ˜€ As I mentioned before, I’d love any suggestions on how I can further my Wonder Woman education – where does a person start when reading comics? πŸ™‚

Ooh, I just thought of a question: who’s your favorite superhero? Before this, mine was probably Thor (although Black Widow is undeniably fantastic, and I really like Iron Man because he’s my mom’s favorite!) I would totally love to get into this in the comments. πŸ™‚

Hope you all have a fantastic day!

(11) Comments

  1. Eeeeep! You did an amazing job!!! I love the sword, too! And thank you so much for the link! I have yet to see the movie…but it sounds great! Oh, and if you’re looking for more Wonder Woman media, I totally recommend the 1960’s TV show with Lynda Carter! It’s awesome and clean. πŸ™‚

    1. I’ve been terrible at replying to comments lately – thank you so much for your kind words, Grace! ^__^ I’m really glad you introduced me to the DC girls, Wonder Woman is such a nice companion! And I’ll definitely check that out, I appreciate the clean aspect, haha…it sounds awesome! πŸ™‚

  2. Brilliant job! 😊

    1. Thank you so much, MrsCraft! ^_^

  3. I still need to see this movie!! I’m rubbish at getting to the cinema.

  4. I was NOT finished, WordPress!
    Ahem. I loooove the dress, your version and the full sized one. Such a gorgeous colour.
    It always felt like Black Widow should be my favourite, being the only female hero on offer, but she’s just not. I struggle to choose between Iron Man and Thor. Maybe that will change when I finally see Wonder Woman!

    1. Hehe, WordPress does that to my comments all the time – thank you so much for your kind words! I was absolutely smitten with the full-size version, I want one for myself now. And you just expressed my own feelings on Black Widow, Iron Man, and Thor! Of course, now I’ve added Wonder Woman to the list. πŸ™‚

  5. Okay. *cracks knuckles*

    I agree with everything you’ve said about the Wonder Woman movie, and would like to confirm that I was dry-sobbing through all the fight scenes. I am so, so happy that there’s little girls out there who get to watch Wonder Woman as well as Iron Man and Captain America.

    The outfit looks incredible, and I’m tempted to buy the DC Superhero Girls Wonder Woman doll, just for this dress. The layers! And the drapes that you’ve managed to capture in crochet! 😍

    As for favourite superhero, I’m torn between everyone in Marvel and Wonder Woman. Ahh, this post makes me so happy! 😊

    1. Aw, thank you so much for your comment, filliefanatic – it really means a lot! ^__^ I’m glad to know I’m not the only one to get emotional during the fight scenes, it felt like such an odd thing to say. I can’t wait for little girls to be able to dress up like Wonder Woman, or have WW dolls to carry around, and just to have a female superhero to look up to! πŸ™‚

      Thanks also for your kind words about the dress – you’re too kind! It was tricky to transfer into crochet, but I’m completely smitten with the dress, so I didn’t mind frogging a lot. πŸ™‚ Now to acquire a human-size version…

      And your comment makes me so happy! πŸ˜€

      1. I agree, it’s great that little girls – and big girls! – now have a superhero they can look up to, like their brothers do. You’re welcome for the dress too, I reckon DC should sell full-size versions as costumes. 😊

  6. Lovely dress! You captured the drape so well, I’m really itching to try those extended double crochet stitches now. Very clever how you used back loops / ribbing to create a pleated effect. And I love the little sword! πŸ˜€

    I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’m ridiculously happy to hear that Diana has multiple outfits, the old “just stick ’em in one outfit so they’re easily recognizable” works but ah, it’s so boring.

    Favorite superheroes, huh. . . well, I don’t have only one favorite. Lately I’ve been re-watching the Marvel movies, so just from those I’d have to say either Natasha, Steve Rogers, or Clint. . . and even then it’s a hard choice. (I’m still waiting for a Black Widow & Hawkeye movie, btw.) From DC, I used to watch the old Superman cartoons when I was a kid so he’s an old favorite haha! And I’ve always liked Hawkgirl as well. When there’s so many good choices, it’s hard to choose!

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