I have been making some pie pals lately. First, in honor of Thanksgiving, I crocheted a pumpkin pie.
The top is a Tunisian crocheted circle, which I learned how to make at:
I think I started with a chain of 12-ish.
Then I single crocheted down the sides with brown, doing the first round in back loops only. That left some loops to do the pie crust. I did a half-double crochet scallop with the wrong side facing up. The bottom is a felt circle. (In case you were wondering, the white blob adorning the pie is whipped cream.)
I had to make another pie, of course. (I’m pretty sure you noticed that I can’t seem to stop crocheting.) But this pie was of a different kind…
Yes, the number π. I am obsessed with it! I memorized 34 digits (3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841…) and decided it was time to crochet a Pi. But there are not an abundance of free π crochet patterns. I wonder why? Luckily, I did find one:
Well, that’s what I’ve been up to! I’ve also been crocheting for my Halloween costume, I can’t believe it’s in 4 days. But for today I will bid you goodbye.
~ The Cogaroo ~
Love both of your Pi es
Sooooooo cute! my Algebra teacher from last year would have loved the second one!
Thank you to both of you! This would make a good present for a math teacher (or just a pi-obsessed person.)