V is for Violent Intrusive Thoughts I don’t like providing trigger warnings when I talk about OCD, because it promotes …
OCD From A to Z: Uncertainty
U is for Uncertainty So much of life is uncertain, and it’s uncomfortable. Most people like to know things for …
OCD From A to Z: Therapy
T is for Therapy One of the things they teach you in OCD therapy is how to look for Cognitive …
OCD From A to Z: Scrupulosity
S is for Scrupulosity You’ve probably heard the phrase “Catholic guilt.” It’s kind of engrained in society…how Catholicism makes you …
OCD From A to Z: Reassurance
R is for Reassurance “Do you think I’m a bad person?” “Of course not, sweetie.” Harmless, right? My mom and …
OCD From A to Z: Questioning & Doubting
Q is for Questioning/doubting everything OCD is known in French as “la folie du doute,” which means “the doubting madness.” This …
OCD From A to Z: Perfectionism
P is for Perfectionism Not all perfectionists have OCD. And not all people with OCD are perfectionists. However, there is …
OCD From A to Z: Obsessional or “Pure O” OCD
O is for Obsessional OCD I know this sounds redundant…obsessional Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? The thing is, this form of OCD …
OCD From A to Z: Neurotic
N is for Neurotic My sister likes to point out that if you have neurons, which we all do, then …
OCD From A to Z: Making It Through the Day
M is for Making It Through the Day When you have any sort of chronic illness (i.e. one that doesn’t …