
Quote of the Day Challenge Day 3 // Cress

Hello lovely followers! Here’s the final day of the “Quote of the Day” challenge, which I received from the wonderful Grace from Doll Dimensions. Click here for Day 1. 🙂

I especially like today’s quote, because it’s from one of my favorite books; this was the one I immediately knew I would use when I first learned about the quote challenge. Longtime followers will know how obsessed I am with the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. For those of you who don’t, suffice it to say that I went to a Lunar ball for the launch of the last book, dressing up as Cress and crocheting dolls from the four main characters. Then I went to another of her events a few months later, bringing her a crocheted Iko. So yeah, I’m a pretty big fan. 😉

Anyway, Cress is my favorite book of the series. I was hooked from Cinder, but this one drew me in because it’s a Rapunzel retelling, which is my favorite fairy tale, but also because Cress and I are so much alike. So I could really relate to her and her thought process, which is always refreshing in books.

Maybe there isn’t such a thing as fate. Maybe it’s just the opportunities we’re given, and what we do with them.

I love this quote so much I’m not going to say anything more about it, just because it’s perfect as is and I would just waffle on. 🙂 But this is your semi-annual endorsement to read the Lunar Chronicles – I’ve never recommended a series this much (apart from Harry Potter, maybe).

I nominated three bloggers in my original post, so now I’d like to nominate all my lovely followers! That is to say, if you’re interested in posting some quotes you like, I’d love to read about it. Or if you just want to post them in the comments, that’s cool too! I always like hearing from you guys. 🙂

Hope you’re having a lovely day!

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