Amigurumi Crochet

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Warning: shameless book promotion and monologuing ahead! (And, of course, crochet.)

I’m a huge fan of the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. I was first drawn to the series because the third book, Cress, is a Rapunzel retelling, and I love all things Rapunzel. In any case, there was a fanart contest to celebrate the release of the fourth book, Fairest, and the prize was a ticket to the launch party. The trouble was, I’m no artist, but I really really wanted that prize.

*whispers* This contest took place back in December, I think, but I’m just now posting about it!

Spoiler alert: I didn’t win. But I did have a lot of fun with my entry, which I’ll present to you in a bit.

The prompt was to create a portrait of what you think Queen Levana looks like. A slight bit of background for you non-Lunartics: All of the books are based on fairy tales, and Queen Levana is the evil queen (think Snow White). Nobody knows what she looks like, because she can “glamour” herself into looking gorgeous. A lot of the time she wears a veil over her face. This was quite the challenge, but I eventually decided to make an amigurumi version of her.

And here she is!

Queen Levana

For the basic doll, I used my Katniss Amigurumi pattern, but I used fingering weight yarn and a 2.1 MM crochet hook. The dress was made with Aunt Lydia’s Crochet Thread, and the veil was some of my hand-spun yarn in a love knot pattern. I’m especially pleased with the hair, because it looks rather hair-like, I think. I used this tutorial, which took forever, but it was worth it!

I figured Queen Levana wasn’t ugly, but that she wasn’t gorgeous either, so that’s what I was going for. I’m not going to spoil anything, but if you read Fairest, you’ll see whether or not I was right! This series has my most enthusiastic recommendations, in case you couldn’t tell. 🙂

That’s all for today – now I’m off to work on a new crochet pattern!

(18) Comments

  1. She looks really good! And the judges mustn’t have cleaned their glasses, because clearly they couldn’t see when they were judging the entries.

    1. Thanks, filliefanatic, that’s very nice of you to say – although the winning entries were really cool! (Mine was the only crocheted one, though.) I never seem to have much luck with contests, but it was still fun to crochet Levana! 🙂

  2. She looks really good! And the judges mustn’t have cleaned their glasses, because clearly they couldn’t see when they were judging the entries.

    1. Thanks, filliefanatic, that’s very nice of you to say – although the winning entries were really cool! (Mine was the only crocheted one, though.) I never seem to have much luck with contests, but it was still fun to crochet Levana! 🙂

  3. She looks like a good princess lol I like her

    1. Hehe, thank you, Daniella Joe! Although she’s not the nicest princess, she was super fun to crochet, and it was very interesting to read about the ‘villain’ for a change. I ended up really sympathizing with her! 🙂

      1. 🙂 hopefully she will get nicer with time … lol

        1. One can hope! 🙂 The next book comes out in November, so I guess we’ll see…

  4. She looks like a good princess lol I like her

    1. Hehe, thank you, Daniella Joe! Although she’s not the nicest princess, she was super fun to crochet, and it was very interesting to read about the ‘villain’ for a change. I ended up really sympathizing with her! 🙂

      1. 🙂 hopefully she will get nicer with time … lol

        1. One can hope! 🙂 The next book comes out in November, so I guess we’ll see…

  5. I love her! She’s fantastic 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Yolanda! 😀

  6. I love her! She’s fantastic 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Yolanda! 😀

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