
Crochet Hook Cozy

I’m sure a few of you have experienced the following…

(most of my crochet hooks)
(most of my crochet hooks)

If you crochet, it’s almost alarming how fast the crochet hooks can pile up. Sure, you start with just one, “to learn the craft.” (I started with three: two tapered ones, F and G, and one random red plastic hook, size unknown.) But lots of things can happen from there. 1) The couch eats them. 2) You decide you’d rather try a different style, like inline vs. tapered (I prefer inline…what about you?) 3) You want to make something that requires a new size. And after a while…you just like the way they look. 🙂

I have at least 17 (although I’m always missing a few)…and for a couple years I kept them in a Vera Bradley pencil case, which worked well. Until it got hard to sort through and see what sizes I had. Plus, I kept seeing these cute crocheted hook holders. I thought it was a great idea – except I can’t sew, so any lining was out.

I love the roll up kind because you can fit more hooks in there, and my collection keeps growing. But the only ones I could find were without pockets of any sort, like this one – really cute, but I was worried they would fall out. I was having a hard time finding a pattern for a roll-up, pocketed, no-sew case, so in the end I combined a few with my own modifications.

Would you care to see?

An unassuming cylindrical object...
An unassuming cylindrical object…
But if you untie it...
But if you untie it…
And begin to unroll it...
And begin to unroll it… will see THE TREASURE WITHIN



yay…crochet hooks! <3


I think this one might make a good blog header, actually. I’ll have to try that…


They all have their own little pocket (which satisfies the obsessive tendencies) 🙂


I did run into a problem, though. After crocheting ten little pockets (above), I discovered that my bigger hooks (size L, M, N, and even a size F hook with a bamboo handle) didn’t fit in the smaller pockets. Some modifications were in order to make bigger pockets.


These are the bigger pockets I came up with ~ they don’t look as neat as the ones in the pattern, but they do the job.


Here you can see the size comparisons ~ it starts getting tight right around the green (K) hook.

I used a size E (3.5 MM) hook and Red Heart Super Saver yarn (what else?) The finished fabric was very dense, which was good so the hooks wouldn’t pop out as easily. (The smaller ones do tend to slide out the bottom.) Click here to go to the pattern:

Aluminum Crochet Hook Case by Priscilla Hewitt 

And here are my modifications…

I followed the pattern as stated through Row 3. Then I repeated Rows 2 and 3 nine more times to result in ten little pockets. Then I started on the bigger pockets, which were a variation on the previous pattern: Repeat Rows 2 and 3. Ch 2, turn. Dc in each dc across, around the curve and across the rest of the row (which is 50 total.) Ch 1, turn, sc in 10 sts, then sc the layers together all the way across. Ch 1, turn, and sc across. I did 6 big pockets – it would be easy to add more if I got any more crochet hooks…which I will, someday. 🙂

Here are some pictures that might help with the larger pockets:





(The yellow polka dot hook is my mom’s ~ it’s awesome, isn’t it? 🙂 )

After all the pockets were made, I single crocheted across once more and then made a really long chain to attach like fringe into the middle of the last row. Then you can wind it around the case with no fiddly buttons, buttonholes, or other manner of attaching. (I always pick the indolent way.)

Gratuitous picture

I love how all of the hooks sit there against the white like little candy buttons.




Random picture in which I play with the iPhoto settings ~ a flower, maybe?

Once again, the (FREE) pattern is the Aluminum Crochet Hook Case by Priscilla Hewitt, and you can find it HERE. I do love this pattern, and if you’re looking for a crochet hook case, I advise that you take a look, ‘cuz like, I’ve been searching my whole life to find my own case – ahem, sorry about that, just a little Frozen stuck in my throat. 😉

Also, I’ll be taking a break for a week or so, I’ll see you next Wednesday or thereabouts. Brace yourself for more Frozen stuff!

Have a lovely day, lovely followers, and may the odds be ever in your favor! XD

(0) Comments

  1. Thanks for sharing your edits I look forward to making this

  2. Great post all around! My hooks live in a little ceramic pitcher which keeps them standing up and corralled in one spot. (Not very portable though.)

    The comparison with candy buttons is very apt. 🙂

    P.S. I prefer inline too – though I must say the older Bates inline hooks (USA made) were much superior in quality to the new ones (made in Mexico), which tend to have sharp edges and even bits of flash.

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