
Crochet Pirate Narwhal

My swim teacher really likes pirates.  In fact, we stopped taking classes because she went to a pirate convention.  She helped me overcome my fear of putting the face in the water (which went from freaking out if I got my nose wet to sitting on the bottom of the pool.) I wanted to crochet her something to show my appreciation.

An aquatic creature was in order, but to make it more personalized, I added an eye patch.


Yep…a pirate narwhal!


If you’re a crocheter and would like to make your own pirate narwhal, here’s the information…

Yarn: Lily Sugar’n’Cream Cotton in Denim and White

Pattern: Nelson the Narwhal by What’s for Dinner.   The eye patch was basically just crocheting a small circle, but I did some hdc and dc to get the oval shape.


I totally love the pattern…the only thing you have to sew on is the horn, the rest is crocheted on.  So you don’t have a ton of ends to weave in. Yay!


I did have a small problem though. Crochet and water don’t go so well together, so I didn’t want the narwhal to get wet. My solution was to stick it in a plastic bag and present it to the recipient.  She loved it and is bringing it to her pirate convention.  Maybe I will make her another one when we have her again…

Have a lovely evening! (or whatever time of day it is where you live)

(0) Comments

  1. Excellent Cogaroo. A very thoughtful gift. A pirate convention? Hmmmmm…that sounds very interesting.

    1. I agree, a pirate convention does sound very interesting. I’m not sure what one would do there exactly. Thank you, Astri!

  2. That is so cute!! I bet she’ll love it!

    1. Thank you, Marieke! She did love it and showed it off to a bunch of other swim teachers, who loved it too. 😉

  3. This is the cutest project – and congratulations on overcoming your fear of getting your face wet. (I swam with a nose plug until I was in my 20s – was always paranoid about getting water up my nose.)

    P.S. I am ridiculously proud of myself for guessing it was a narwhal (the pictures loaded before the text and I had a minute to study them) … those childhood readings of “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” have finally paid off!

    1. Thank you, Mrs. M! Getting water up one’s nose is no fun!

      Good job guessing the narwhal! My dad is obsessed with them so I’ve been commissioned to crochet lots. They’re not a very common sea creature…but they’re the unicorns of the sea! 🙂

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