Books Mental Health

A surprise book release: The Daily Check-In Journal

I come to you with a brand new release!

I wrote something new. Well, there isn’t a whole lot of writing in it. This release is a daily guided journal designed to help with mental health. 

Let’s have a cover reveal and then I will tell you more about it.

If you didn’t know, I have seven officially diagnosed mental illnesses (and arguably a few more that are informally diagnosed or not in the DSM yet). The highlights are anxiety, OCD, and depression. This makes daily life a challenge, to say the least. 

I write openly about life with mental illness because I’m passionate about mental health advocacy. I want to help end the stigma. And yet, I still feel the stigma myself. It’s hard to talk about sometimes. It’s hard to even function. 

I’ve had to realize that I have an invisible disability. I had to slow down and let other people help me.

Earlier this year I hit a particularly bad depression slump. I enrolled in a two-month intensive outpatient therapy program. Basically, this was 3 hours of therapy 5 days a week. (They call it intensive for a reason!) In the program, the therapist asked us the same questions every day. Over time I grew used to thinking about these questions every day and realized I would benefit from continuing to do this daily check-in even after being discharged from the program. 

The Daily Check-In Journal is the result.

I made this journal for my own mental health journey because I couldn’t find anything that was just like I wanted. It has an introduction and guide to using it, and then 366 pages with a simple daily check-in format. It takes me about 5-10 minutes to fill out every day.

It can be helpful for a variety of mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and BPD. Please keep in mind that I am not a therapist. This is based entirely on my own personal experiences and speaking with others who struggle with mental illness.

It’s available in paperback and hardcover. When my author copies arrive, I will share pretty photos on my Instagram @claireoliviagolden.

Here is the link to purchase. 

I hope you find this journal useful or interesting. I didn’t expect anybody to be interested because I made this entirely for myself. And then I received positive feedback and support from my online community. It means the world to me. Thank you.

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