
What’s next for my books?

After a lot of consideration, my books and I are going to start on a new path. My books are no longer available through Gurt Dog Press because I am starting my own indie publishing company. This is how I published The Button Jar: A Poetry Parody, so you may recognize the name already: Pigeon Press.

I wish nothing but the best for Gurt Dog Press and it was a valuable experience being part of their team. The Gurt Dog team has taken a step back from publishing for their mental health, whereas for me, I need to be writing more for my own mental health. My two years with them have given me the confidence necessary to take the next step in my book publishing journey.

For a long time I devalued myself and my writing by thinking I had to pursue traditional publishing to be a legit author. Even though I knew that wasn’t true, it felt that way. But after a lot of reflection, I know that I’m capable and ready.

Long story short, traditional publishing does not bring me joy like small press publishing. I want to have complete creative power over my work and make the decisions myself. I’ve learned the hard way over the past few years that when I’m not writing I slip into depression. I need to always have a project in the works and, right now, traditional publishing brings more anxiety than it relieves. Starting Pigeon Press is my way of holding myself accountable and engaging in self-care.

Unraveled and The Lost Girl of Goose Creek will be republished through Pigeon Press over the next several months. Unraveled will be undergoing a rewrite because I’ve improved as a writer since I wrote it in 2019. I promise the characters and world will feel the same. The Lost Girl of Goose Creek will remain unchanged. However, both books will be receiving new covers to celebrate their glow-up.

I’m so excited to embark on this new publishing adventure with you all. Thank you for your continued support over the years. You are the best readers I could ever ask for.


Pigeon Press art by Audrey Golden

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