
Quote of the Day Challenge Day 2 // Le Petit Prince

Hi! Welcome to Day 2 of the “Quote of the Day” challenge! The gist is that I was nominated by the lovely Grace of Doll Dimensions to post a quote I like every day for three days. Yesterday we had some Dumbledore appreciation, and today we’re moving on to one of my favorite books.

Last year in French we read Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and I haven’t ever enjoyed an assigned book so much. A lot of my classmates preferred the other books we read, but this is now one of my favorite books of all time. (Made me think of you, Astri, I know how much you and the NVO like Le Petit Prince!) I couldn’t recommend it more…I love how it makes fun of grown-ups and the “adult” world. And the illustrations are the best things!

Anyway, my favorite quote also happens to be the most well-known, and since I read the book in French you get a quote en français. (I made a bunch of these while I was reading it, since it’s so quotable.)

On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

“One only sees clearly with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes.”

This is kind of a theme for the whole book, but it’s perfectly phrased here (always sounds better in the original language though!) I really need to reread The Little Prince, actually…maybe I’ll go do that.

Hope y’all are having a lovely day! <3

(1) Comment

  1. Auntie T says:

    So glad you’re back ~ especially enjoyed today’s quote.

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