Amigurumi Crochet

Yarn Along

I’m linking up with the Yarn Along from Small Things, where you post a picture of what you’re knitting (or crocheting) and reading at the moment.



See the white oblong thing in the picture? That’s my current work in progress.

Remember the Lunar Chronicles ball I went to in November? That was to celebrate the release of Winter by Marissa Meyer. Well, her new book Stars Above released yesterday, and she’s going on tour – and she’s coming to my city! *fangirls* 😀 You may remember I brought the four dolls in the picture to the ball; they’re Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter, which are the main characters in the Lunar Chronicles. I didn’t give them to Marissa Meyer because I was too attached to them, but since I’m lucky enough to meet her again I really wanted to crochet her something.

So! That was my long way of saying I’m crocheting Iko, Cinder’s small android friend. I looked at a bunch of different pictures of her, read the descriptions in the series, and came up with this. I’ll post the pattern when I finish her. I’m super excited to meet my favorite author (again!)…which brings me to what I’m reading!


I’m reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, which is a wonderful book. The scary part is that the main character, Cath, is a lot like me…scarily so. We’re both introverted writers who are obsessed with a fandom. I’m really glad I bought this book and didn’t check it out from the library, because I’ll definitely be re-reading it. I kept hearing how good it was but didn’t read it until now, but I’m so glad I did. So: it definitely has my recommendations!

I didn’t realize the irony until now – my current crochet project is basically me fangirling over The Lunar Chronicles, and look at the book I’m reading! Heh.


So what have y’all been up to lately? Have you read any awesome books lately? Or what are you currently crafting? I’d love to hear! 😀

(5) Comments

  1. Fangirl! I’ve read that – definitely recommended. ?

    1. It’s cool that you’ve read Fangirl! I really enjoyed it, glad to hear you did too. 😀

  2. Ooooh fun! Maybe I need to find that book…’cause I definitely fangirl a LOT. 😉 Iko is looking great! 😀

    1. I would definitely recommend Fangirl, it was a shockingly accurate depiction of a fangirl’s life (at least in my humble opinion)! Thank you for saying that about Iko, I’m really pleased with how she turned out. Thanks for commenting! 😀

  3. Ha i like how your crochet and book match up! Love the crochet dolls, they’re so cute! 🙂

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