
How to Join Yarn Whilst Making a Granny Square

The title is pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it?

I recently taught one of my crochet students to join a new ball of yarn, so I’m putting this post up for reference – in particular, joining yarn while making a granny square. This tutorial is nothing new, but perhaps someone will find it useful anyhow. 🙂

In this tutorial I’m using 2 different colors of worsted-weight yarn. This tutorial is intended for joining the SAME color of yarn. If you’re joining a different color, you’ll want to do it at the END of the round or it will look strange. This is for when you run out of a ball of yarn, and have another of the same color. Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s proceed…


In the above picture, let’s say I just ran out of yarn and I want to join more red yarn. I’ll be using orange to demonstrate, though. (These are the first two colors of yarn I found; plus they’re nice autumnal colors.)

Make sure you leave yourself about 8 inches of a tail. You’ll be weaving in the ends later and it’s hard if the tails are too short. If you have less than 8 inches, unravel until you do.


Next, yarn over. Put your hook in the corner or side space (whichever one you’re crocheting into when you run out of yarn) and pull up a loop (3 loops on the hook).


Then proceed with your stitch and yarn over, pull through two loops. 2 loops remain. This is where it gets different.


Loop the new yarn (again, using orange for demonstration purposes) over the hook like so. Leave at least 8 inches.


Then pull through the remaining 2 loops. You should have completed another stitch and your new yarn is ready to go.

Now you’ll just keep crocheting with the new color as usual. Ignore the ends; you’ll weave them in at the end. (You can crochet over them if you want to get more advanced – but it’s good to weave them in at the end anyway, for security.)


Above you can see a lovely orange corner. Like I said, you’ll want to join at the end or beginning of a round if you’re changing colors. Unless you like the random look in the above picture.


Well, that concludes today’s post; I hope this was helpful!

Hope y’all have a lovely Saturday. (Or Sunday, if you’re in a different part of the world.)

(2) Comments

  1. Awesome tutorial!! 😀 I always get confused when it comes time to do this in a pattern…thanks so much! 😀

    1. Yay, I’m glad you find it helpful! When I started crocheting I was completely mystified with the whole changing-colors procedure; I wish I could send advice to my past self. I’m just happy it can help someone else! 🙂

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