Guest Post

A Blogging Break & Introducing Rapunzel

Hi there!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I will be on vacation from July 25 until August 13. I’m going to the same place I did last summer (click below to visit their website)…

Canoe Island French Camp!

I will NOT be answering emails or comments because there’s a no-electronics rule – yes, that’s three weeks without internet! So if you have any pressing concerns, please mention them before Saturday.

I’m not going to totally desert you for three weeks, though – I’ve found a lovely guest blogger who has agreed to do a few posts. May I introduce you to the wonderful…

✿ Rapunzel ✿



Hi! I’m Rapunzel.

Cogaroo asked if I’d be interested in a summer job guest-posting for her blog, and I said yes! I’ve always been fascinated with blogging so I’m really excited about this opportunity.

A little bit about me: I’m an eighteen-year-old crocheted doll, who is also a crocheter! I enjoy just about every craft, like crochet, knitting, weaving, scrapbooking, and candlestick making. I also enjoy writing and reading, and now, blogging!

I’ll be posting every week or so until Cogaroo returns…I hope you enjoy reading my posts! 🙂

My first post will be on Saturday – see you then.

Here's a selfie of me!
Here’s a selfie of me!

Thank you, Rapunzel!

She will NOT be replying to your comments, though – I’ll help her do that when I come back. 🙂 I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.

So, I will be signing off on Saturday for a few weeks on an island in the sun. 😉 I hope you all have a lovely rest of July!

Peace, love, and pogo sticks,
Cogaroo <3

(6) Comments

  1. Nana says:

    Happy camping! I will miss your blog.

    1. Thank you, Nana! Luckily, Rapunzel will be continuing the blog while I’m away – but I’m glad you like it! 🙂 <3

  2. Have fun! But are you sure you’ll survive three weeks without Internet?? ?

    1. Thank you, filliefanatic! Haha, I guess we’ll see… XD It’s weird not checking blogs for that long, though!

  3. Lachi says:

    Have a wonderful and amazing time ❤️?❤️ Auntie T

    1. Thank you very much, Auntie T! I hope you have a lovely couple of weeks as well. <3 🙂

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