
Hello again!

It’s been far too long since I last talked to you, and I’ve missed the blogosphere…it’s good to be back. I don’t really have anything to post about right now, though, because I’m too lazy to find any pictures.

I wanted to post just so you knew I wasn’t ignoring you, and also to mention some new things that you may have noticed. First, the new theme: I wasn’t really happy with my last one and it’s nice to have a change, so don’t get too attached, because it will probably change again sometime. 🙂 If you prefer one theme over another, please let me know, because you are the ones who read it! Also, the social media buttons in the sidebar: I’m now on Facebook and Pinterest, and of course Ravelry (plus there’s an email button there too.) So if those social media sites are your thing, maybe you can come over and say hello!

I know this is a really short post, hopefully I’ll have some craft-related stuff to post about soon. I did do a lot of crocheting at camp, which I’ll share with you as soon as I get the pictures developed. Thank you very much for your patience, it’s greatly appreciated. Things will get back to normal soon! <3 It feels weird to post again, what do I normally talk/ramble about, anyway?

And,  because I don’t like to post without a picture…happy hens foraging!
(What’s black and white and red all over? A Plymouth Barred Rock! Yes, I am hilarious…*sarcasm*)


Have a wonderful, yarn-filled day, and I’ll talk to you later. 🙂

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