
Cogaroo’s going on vacation …

… and she’s very, very excited about it!

I’m going to the same place I went last summer (click below to visit their website):

Canoe Island French Camp

This means I’ll be taking a bloggy break for three weeks or so. I know, it scares me too – three weeks with no Internet!!! – but the lack of technology is part of what makes it so awesome. Still, I’ll miss blogging and commenting. I promise I will be back in a month or so – I’m being realistic and giving myself time to remember how WordPress works (and to adjust back to regular life.) 🙂


I’ve decided not to schedule posts for a few reasons, mainly because it’s labor intensive to hunt down the dates and prepare posts ahead of time, and because I like to be there to reply to any comments.

But in the meantime, I have a challenge for you: Canoe Island has a Facebook page HERE, where they post pictures of campers and counselors every few days. If you’re pining away for me, you can hop over there and see if you can spot the Cogaroo. 🙂

I’ll be back on August 16, so I’ll catch up with comments and emails then. Until then, lovely blog followers, I’ll be off. I hope you have a wonderful month, and I look forward to ‘seeing’ you when I get back. Here are some hugs for you, to thank you for being so awesome!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

(0) Comments

  1. Nana says:

    I am so excited for you. Have a wonderful time. Watch for mail from Michigan 🙂 Love, Nana

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