Amigurumi Crochet

Baby Cephalopods <3

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any amigurumi…I’ve been out of ideas! I am planning to make some more in the future, but in the meantime I thought I’d post about some amis I made about a year ago, that for some reason never made it to my blog.

I don’t buy a lot of crochet patterns, but sometimes I make exceptions (like the Ghost Cone Scarf here), and this was one of those cases. I saw this post on PlanetJune (wow, that was a while ago!) and my immediate reaction was, “Awww!” *squeal* “I need some baby cephalopods in my life!”


I just love PlanetJune patterns, they’re so well photographed and clear – plus they have pictures in the pattern itself, I love <3 pictures (and emoticons) :). They’re just so easy to follow. I made these quite a while ago, when I was much less experienced (although I’m really not that experienced now, either, just more so), and they turned out better than I had thought.


I started off with the cuttlefish, with possibly my favorite color of yarn ever (pink and sparkly – I do Love This Yarn!) The tentacles are kind of fiddly, but not hard.


I think the nautilus is my favorite, with how it turned out. It’s all in one piece apart from the hood, which is awesome because I don’t like sewing things together.


I love this view. 🙂 As usual, I didn’t have safety eyes so I broke into my button stash.


So, if you want to make your own cuttlefish and/or nautilus, the pattern is HERE. It’s very much worth the price, and it does come with two patterns, after all. I believe there’s also the option to buy both sets together, but I went with this one. 🙂 I did make another cephalopod later, a nautilus with double-stranded yarn and a bigger hook, and it turned out much larger – but I can’t find any pictures of it! The pattern is great for experimenting, though.

Have you made any amigurumi recently? Or have you ever tried any PlanetJune patterns? She does have some free ones here…we all know how I love free patterns. 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful day, I’ll talk to you later! Maybe even with more pictures of cephalopods… 🙂

P.S. Why does it sound so much more impressive when you say “I crocheted a cephalopod today,” than when you say, “I crocheted an octopus today?” Is it the length of the word? Or just because the word isn’t a staple of the English language?

(0) Comments

  1. Nana says:

    These are adorable!

    1. Thank you very much, Nana! {hugs} <3

  2. too cute!!! I was just thinking of octopus today. and something about how I should make one..

    and I think it sounds better with cephalopod cause no one really uses that word, and its an awesome word to begin with. XD I’m a dork.

    1. Octopi are one of my favorite things to crochet (plus I just like saying ‘octopi’…) although eight legs is kind of a lot to crochet! That’s why I like crocheting them as you go (like in this pattern.) Yes, I love using cool-sounding words that aren’t very common…like ‘ubiquitous’ for example! Dorks are awesome. 🙂

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