
March forth and eat pie!

Okay, I missed March 4 by two days…but I couldn’t resist.

But, I didn’t miss Pi Day! And I’m not intending to. The countdown in my sidebar went down for a bit, but it should be working now ~ only 8 days until Pi Day! I have a pattern that I will post on 3/14, but I thought you might like to have a look…


Pumpkin Pi. Yes, I am a nerd.

Other news…

My Harriet Hat was accepted into the Spring edition of Crochetvolution. Here’s the link if you want to check it out. I’m so excited! It’s my first paid publication (I was on Crochet Spot, but that was a guest post.) Click here to see the other patterns; they’re all quite awesome.

Also, I cleaned out my yarn drawer…


Why am I so messy? It took the better part of the morning and some of the afternoon. I mean, there’s a binder, a bag, and a pile of yarn labels in there…as well as crochet hooks and buttons strewn through the whole thing. *sigh*


I shall see you again on Pi Day, if not before. Probably not before, as I’m gearing up for a thoroughly exhaustingly busy weekend. I hope you all have a splendiferous day, and I’m sorry for my rather long absence. 🙂

(0) Comments

  1. You are so awesome that you make me want to convert from knitting.

    1. LOL, thank you. Yes, I’ve seen your Fair Isle sweaters and you are a spectacular knitter… 🙂 Thanks for commenting!

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