
Guinea Pig Accessories: Angel Wings


Yes, I know my last post wasn’t craft-related.  But I wanted to have some record of 12/12/12.  So, now we’re back on track with crafting.

My little sister has three of the most adorable guinea pigs ever!

From left to right: Clover, Olive, Blossom.
From left to right: Clover, Olive, Blossom.

Since it’s around Christmastime, we watched Olive, the Other Reindeer, and decided that we needed to get Olive some antlers.  Here are the ones that we got.  And here’s how Olive looks in them:

If that didn't make you smile, you should see a doctor.
If that didn’t make you smile, you should see a doctor.

How exactly is this craft-related?  Well, the other piggies were feeling left out, so I decided to make them costumes too.  I will be making/posting the other one sometime soon.

Guinea Pig Angel Wings
Guinea Pig Angel Wings
Materials: Felt that matches your pig's hair color, white felt, scissors, cardboard, needle, thread, button, wing pattern.
Materials: Felt that matches your pig’s hair color, white felt, scissors, cardboard, needle, thread, button, wing pattern.

I used the clip art from here for my wing pattern.  Print it out the size that you need it.


First, cut out two of each wing as shown above.


Next, cut out some cardboard that’s slightly smaller than the wing.  As you can see, it doesn’t have to look pretty.  It’s just to keep it from sagging.


Whipstitch two wings together, making sure pencil lines are on the inside.  Stick the cardboard in before you’ve sewn all the way around.  Do this to both of the wings.


In order to add the feathers you’ll have to cut up the pattern.  I added tabs so that there was something to attach to the wing.


Then position them as shown, using running stitch to sew them to the main wing.  (It doesn’t have to look good.  It’ll be hidden.  You could even glue them on.)

Second round of feathers positioned
...and the third round.
…and the third round.
Then stick the long 7-shaped thingy on top.
Then stick the long 7-shaped thingy on top.  Whipstitch it around the sides (where you sewed the main wing together).  
...and do the same thing with the other wing, making sure to reverse the pattern before you cut it out.
…and do the same thing with the other wing, making sure to reverse the pattern before you cut it out.

Now you’ll need something to keep it on the guinea pig.  I cut a 1-inch wide piece of felt that fit around her middle, cut a buttonhole in one end, and sewed the button on the other.  (You can do two buttonholes, which is what I did, if you want it to be adjustable.)  Then sew the two wings together and sew them onto the band right next to the button.



(Aren’t guinea pigs adorable?  I think I could do a whole post with nothing but guinea pig pictures.)

This doesn’t have to be only for guinea pigs.  It looks cute on dolls (in fact, it’s the perfect size for American Girl dolls).

Have a holly jolly Christmas,

~ The Cogaroo ~



(0) Comments

  1. I don’t know whats cuter the guinea pigs or the angel wings!

  2. Sandy Wright says:

    This is the cutest thing I have seen! She is an angel!

  3. Thank you both!

  4. Lora says:

    These are so cute! I also have guinea pigs and agree they are one of the most adorable things on Earth. I want to make some angel wings and turn my extra chubby guinea pig into Cupid for Valentine’s Day haha! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Hi Lora, I’m glad I could help. I never thought about the wings doubling for Cupid as well! 😉

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